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Unified Archive: Manage archives in the ZIP, RAR, TAR, GZ formats

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unified-archive 0.0.8MIT/X Consortium ...5.1.0PHP 5, Files and Folders, Compression, S...


This package can manage archives in the ZIP, RAR, TAR, GZ, BZIP2 formats.

It provides a unified interface to list, extract, and create archives in several compression and packing formats.

The package also provides a stream wrapper class to read and write compressed data with the LZW algorithms.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award winner
June 2014

Prize: PhpStorm IDE personal permanent license
There are many types of compressed archive file formats.

This class implements an abstraction to provide a unified way to read and manipulate archive files in the formats ZIP, RAR, TAR, GZ and BZIP2.

Manuel Lemos
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zip archives
add files to zip archive


UnifiedArchive - unified interface to archive (zip # 7z # rar # gz # bz2 # xz # cab # tar # tar.gz # tar.bz2 # tar.x # tar.Z # iso-9660) for listing, reading, extracting and creation + built-in console packer and unpacker + fully implemented PclZip-like interface (create, listContent, extract, properties, add, delete, merge, duplicate).

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  1. Preamble
  2. Installation
  3. Process of archive reading 1. Process of archive modification 2. Process of archive creation 1. Restrictions
  4. Built-in archiver
  5. API 1. Object methods 2. Static methods
  6. PclZip-like interface
  7. Examples
  8. Changelog


If on your site there is a possibility of uploading of archives and you would like to add functionality of their automatic unpacking and viewing with no dependency on format of the archive, you can use this library.


Composer package: wapmorgan/unified-archive [1]

	"require": {
			"wapmorgan/unified-archive": "dev-master"

Process of archive reading

  1. Import a class

    require 'vendor/autoload.php';
    use \wapmorgan\UnifiedArchive\UnifiedArchive;
  2. At the beginning, try to open the file with automatic detection of a format by name. In case of successful recognition the object of UnifiedArchive will be returned. in case of failure - null

    $archive = UnifiedArchive::open('filename.rar');
    // or
    $archive = UnifiedArchive::open('');
    // or
    $archive = UnifiedArchive::open('filename.7z');
    // or
    $archive = UnifiedArchive::open('filename.gz');
    // or
    $archive = UnifiedArchive::open('filename.bz2');
    // or
    $archive = UnifiedArchive::open('filename.xz');
    // or
    $archive = UnifiedArchive::open('');
    // or
    $archive = UnifiedArchive::open('filename.tar');
    // or
    $archive = UnifiedArchive::open('filename.tar.gz');
    // or
    $archive = UnifiedArchive::open('filename.tar.bz2');
    // or
    $archive = UnifiedArchive::open('filename.tar.xz');
    // or
    $archive = UnifiedArchive::open('filename.tar.Z');
    // or
    $archive = UnifiedArchive::open('filename.iso');
  3. Further, read the list of files of archive (notice, this function returns only names of files)

  4. Further, you can receive additional information on the concrete file by means of the getFileData function

  5. Further, you can receive file contents by means of the getFileContent function

  6. Further you can unpack any internal catalog with files on a disk. Including all archive (the root catalog of archive). The extractNode method is engaged in it. In case of success, it returns number of the mentioned files, in case of failure - false. Initial and final symbol of division of catalogs are very important! Don't forget them.
    $archive->extractNode(outputFolder, archiveFolder = '/');
    // to unpack all contents of archive
    $archive->extractNode(tmpnam('/tmp', 'arc'));
    // to unpack the src catalog in archive in the sources catalog on a disk
    $archive->extractNode(tmpnam('/tmp', 'sources'), '/src/');
    // to unpack the bookmarks catalog in archive in the sources catalog on a
    // disk
    $archive->extractNode(tmpnam('/tmp', 'sources'), '/bookmarks/');

Process of archive modification

To delete a single file from an archive:


To delete multiple files from an archive

$archive->deleteFiles(array('', 'MANIFEST.MF'));

In case of success the number of successfully deleted files will be returned.

Process of archive addition

To add completely the catalog with all attached files and subdirectories:


To add one file:


To add some files or catalogs:

$archive->addFiles(array(directory, file, file2, ...));

Full syntax of multiple files addition is described in next section Process of archive creation.

Process of archive creation

To pack completely the catalog with all attached files and subdirectories:

UnifiedArchive::archiveNodes('/var/log', '');

To pack one file:

UnifiedArchive::archiveNodes('/var/log/syslog', '');

To pack some files or catalogs:

UnifiedArchive::archiveNodes(array(directory, file, file2, ...), '');

Extended syntax with possibility of rewriting of paths and additional opportunities:

$nodes = array(
	array('source' => '/etc/php5/fpm/php.ini', 'destination' => 'php.ini'),
	array('source' => '/home/.../Dropbox/software/1/',
		'destination' => 'SoftwareVersions/', 'recursive' => true),
	array('source' => '/home/.../Dropbox/software/2/',
		'destination' => 'SoftwareVersions/', 'recursive' => true),
	array('source' => 'pictures/other/cats/*', 'destination' => 'Pictures/'),
	array('source' => '~/Desktop/catties/*', 'destination' => 'Pictures/'),
	array('source' => '/media/wapmorgan/.../Cats/*',
		'destination' => 'Pictures/'),
UnifiedArchive::archiveNodes($nodes, '');

Complete description of expanded syntax with examples and explanations: Full archiveNodes documentation.


It is impossible to create the ideal archiver, here therefore some restrictions and technical features are listed further:

  1. Creation of rar of archives is impossible. proprietary format
  2. If the `source` doesn't come to an end on "/"" or "*", it means there has to be a file.
  3. If the `source` is a directory, destination too means has to be a directory (to terminate on "/").

Built-in archiver

To see all opportunities of this remarkable UnifiedArchive, together with source codes some scripts are delivered. They can become quite good replacement to standard commands of file system (tar, unzip, rar, gzip).

# /All couples of commands are completely identical/
# /tar replacement/
tar xv -C $DIRECTORY archive.tar.gz
./cli.hierarchy.php -e -n / -a archive.tar.gz -o $DIRECTORY

# /unzip replacement/
unzip -d $DIRECTORY
./cli.hierarchy.php -e -n / -a -o $DIRECTORY

# /unrar replacement/
unrar x archive.rar $DIRECTORY
./cli.hierarchy.php -e -n / -a archive.rar -o $DIRECTORY

# /gzip -d replacement/
gzip -d -k archive.gz && mv archive $DIRECTORY
./cli.hierarchy.php -e -n / -a archive.gz -o $DIRECTORY

You noticed? The universal extractor itself defines type of archive and there is no need manually to choose type.

We will continue and look at examples of replacement of the unbridled number of utilities on one command:

# List of nodes in archive
./cli.hierarchy.php -l -a archivename
# Table of nodes in archive
./cli.hierarchy.php -t -a archivename
# Hierarchy of nodes in archive
./cli.hierarchy.php -h -a archivename

# /unzip -v archivename file_in_archive replacement/
./cli.hierarchy.php -d -a archivename -n file_in_archive
# /unzip archivename file_in_archive replacement/
./cli.hierarchy.php -e -a archivename -n /file_in_archive -o .
# /unzip -p archivename file_in_archive replacement/
./cli.hierarchy.php -u -a archivename -n file_in_archive
# /unzip archivename "directory_in_archive/" replacement */
./cli.hierarchy.php -e -a archivename -n /directory_in_archive/ -o .

# /Archive information/
./cli.hierarchy.php -i -a archivename

In the future probably I will add still some scripts or I will update existing having added some operations.

It is very easy and equally universal for any of supported types of archives (which already about 5)!

Try, it will be pleasant to you!

It is possible even to use the console version of the archiver in daily work for viewing of contents of archive from the terminal!

Conveniently, isn't that so?


Create object of class \wapmorgan\UnifiedArchive\UnifiedArchive implementing the \wapmorgan\UnifiedArchive\AbstractArchive interface which has the following methods:

Object methods

public function __construct($filename, $type);
  • creation of object of a class.
public function getFileNames();
  • obtaining the list of files in archive. The symbol of division of catalogs can be both a slash, and a backslash.
public function getFileData($filename);
  • obtaining detailed information on the file in archive. The name of the file has to COINCIDE in ACCURACY with what is registered in archive. It is restricted to add gaps or other symbols, to change a symbol of division of catalogs. This method returns object of stdClass which has following fields: * `filename` - file name in archive. * `compressed_size` - the size of the PACKED contents of the file. * `uncompressed_size` - the size of the UNPACKED contents of the file. * `mtime` - time of change of the file (the integer value containing number of seconds, passed since the beginning of an era of Unix). * `is_compressed` - the Boolean value, containing "truth" if the file was packed with compression.
public function getFileContent($filename);
  • receiving "crude" contents of the file. For text files it also is the text, for images/video/music are crude binary data. The file name besides has to be in accuracy as in archive.
public function countFiles();
  • counts total of all files in archive.
public function getArchiveSize();
  • counts the archive size (the file size).
public function getArchiveType();
  • receives archive type.
public function countCompressedFilesSize();
  • counts the size of all PACKED useful data (that is contents of all files listed in archive).
public function countUncompressedFilesSize();
  • counts the size of all UNPACKED useful data (that is contents of all files listed in archive).
public function extractNode($outputFolder, $node = '/');
  • unpacks any of internal catalogs archive with full preservation of structure of catalogs in the catalog on a hard disk.

Archive modification

public function deleteFiles($fileOrFiles);
  • updates existing archive by removing files from it. Returns number of deleted files.
public function addFiles($nodes);
  • updates existing archive by adding new files. Returns total number of files after addition.

Static methods

static public function open($filename);
  • tries to distinguish type of archive and creates an instance UnifiedArchive in case of success, returns null in case of failure.
static public function archiveNodes($nodes, $aname);
  • archiving nodes transferred in the first argument. Returns number of the archived files in case of success, in case of failure - false. If as the third argument (yes, real signature is `static public function archiveNodes(array $nodes, $aname, $fake = false)`) true is transferred, then the real archiving doesn't occur, and the result contains the list of the files chosen for an archiving, their number and total size.

PclZip-like interface

Yes, you didn't mishear - UnifedArchive provides full realization of the interface known on archiving popular library of PclZip (the last version 2.8.2).

Let's look at it:

use wapmorgan\UnifiedArchive\UnifiedArchive;
require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$archive = UnifiedArchive::open('');
$pclzip = $archive->pclzipInteface();

You are from this point free to use all available methods provided by the class PclZip:

  1. `create()` - creation of new archive, packing of files and catalogs.
  2. `listContent()` - receiving contents of archive.
  3. `extract()` - unpacking of files and catalogs.
  4. `properties()` - obtaining information on archive.
  5. `add()` - addition of files in archive.
  6. `delete()` - cleaning of archive of files.
  7. `merge()` - "pasting" of two archives.
  8. `duplicate()` - archive cloning.

All available options and the parameters accepted by original PclZip are also available.

It is also important to note increase in productivity when using my version of the PclZip-interface using a native class for work, over old and working with "crude" contents of archive means of the PHP-interpreter.

*The PclZip-interface is at present in a stage of experimental realization. I ask to take it into account.*

For those who isn't familiar with the PclZip interface or wishes to refresh knowledge, visit official documentation on PclZip on the official site:

Also I need to note that one of an option nevertheless is unrealizable: PCLZIP_OPT_NO_COMPRESSION. This option allows to disconnect compression for added files. At present the native library for work doesn't allow to change compression parameters from zip-archive - all added the file forcibly contract. I tried to find a roundabout way, but at present to make it it didn't turn out.


In the examples catalog there are some files for check of operability of the program. start them from a command line.

  • Transfer a catalog name in `cli.fs.php` to scan directory for all archives.
  • Transfer a path to archive in `cli.hierachy.php` for unpacking / listing.
  • Transfer a path to archive and list of files in `cli.pack.php` for archiving.


| version | date         | description                                      |
| 0.0.8   | Jan 24, 2017 | Added:                                           |
|         |              | * Initial support for CAB archives without       |
|         |              | extracting.                                      |
|         |              | Changed:                                         |
|         |              | * Handling of short names of tar archives.       |
|         |              | * Removed external repository declaration.       |
|         |              | * Removed die() in source code.                  |
| 0.0.7   | Jan 14, 2017 | Fixed:                                           |
|         |              | * Using ereg function on PHP >7.                 |
| 0.0.6   | Jan 9, 2017  | Added:                                           |
|         |              | * Adding files in archive.                       |
|         |              | * Deleting files from archive.                   |
|         |              | Fixed:                                           |
|         |              | * Fixed discovering 7z archive number of files   |
|         |              | and creating new archive.                        |
| 0.0.5   | Jan 8, 2017  | Added:                                           |
|         |              | * Support for 7z (7zip) archives.                |
| 0.0.4   | Jan 7, 2017  | Added:                                           |
|         |              | * Support for single-file bz2 (bzip2) and xz     |
|         |              | (lzma2) archives.                                |
| 0.0.3   | Aug 18, 2015 | Changed:                                         |
|         |              | * archive_tar is no longer a required package,   |
|         |              | now it is a suggestion.                          |
| 0.0.2   | May 27, 2014 | Changed:                                         |
|         |              | * UnifiedArchive released under the MIT license. |
| 0.0.1   | May 26, 2014 | first release                                    |

  Files folder image Files (15)  
File Role Description
Files folder imageexamples (3 files)
Files folder imagesrc (7 files)
Plain text file composer.json Data Auxiliary data
Plain text file Data Documentation
Plain text file LICENSE Lic. Auxiliary data
Plain text file Doc. Documentation
Plain text file _config.yml Data Auxiliary data

  Files folder image Files (15)  /  examples  
File Role Description
  Plain text file cli.fs.php Example Example script
  Plain text file cli.hierarchy.php Example Example script
  Plain text file cli.pack.php Example Example script

  Files folder image Files (15)  /  src  
File Role Description
  Plain text file AbstractArchive.php Class Class source
  Plain text file function.gzip_stat.php Aux. Auxiliary script
  Plain text file LzwStreamWrapper.php Class Class source
  Plain text file PclZipLikeZipArchiveInterface.php Class Class source
  Plain text file PclZipOriginalInterface.php Class Class source
  Plain text file REGISTER_LZW_STREAM_WRAPPER.php Aux. Class source
  Plain text file UnifiedArchive.php Class Class source

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