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File: application/config/aauth.php

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File: application/config/aauth.php
Role: Auxiliary script
Content type: text/plain
Description: Auxiliary script
Class: Coloftech PHP Multiple Sites Blog System
CMS to Manage multiple blog sites
Author: By
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Date: 2 years ago
Size: 7,944 bytes



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('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');

| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| Aauth Config
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| A library Basic Authorization for CodeIgniter 2.x and 3.x
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| ['no_permission'] If user don't have permisssion to see the page he will be redirected the page spesificed.
| ['admin_group'] Name of admin group
| ['default_group'] Name of default group, the new user is added in it
| ['public_group'] Name of Public group , people who not logged in
| ['db_profile'] The configuration database profile (definied in config/database.php)
| ['users'] The table which contains users
| ['groups'] The table which contains groups
| ['user_to_group'] The table which contains join of users and groups
| ['perms'] The table which contains permissions
| ['perm_to_group'] The table which contains permissions for groups
| ['perm_to_user'] The table which contains permissions for users
| ['pms'] The table which contains private messages
| ['user_variables'] The table which contains users variables
| ['login_attempts'] The table which contains login attempts
| ['remember'] Remember time (in relative format) elapsed after connecting and automatic LogOut for usage with Cookies
| Relative Format (e.g. '+ 1 week', '+ 1 month', '+ first day of next month')
| for details see
| ['max'] Maximum char long for Password
| ['min'] Minimum char long for Password
| ['additional_valid_chars'] Additional valid chars for username. Non alphanumeric characters that are allowed by default
| ['ddos_protection'] Enables the DDoS Protection, user will be banned temporary when he exceed the login 'try'
| ['recaptcha_active'] Enables reCAPTCHA (for details see
| ['recaptcha_login_attempts'] Login Attempts to display reCAPTCHA
| ['recaptcha_siteKey'] The reCAPTCHA siteKey
| ['recaptcha_secret'] The reCAPTCHA secretKey
| ['totp_active'] Enables the Time-based One-time Password Algorithm
| ['totp_only_on_ip_change'] TOTP only on IP Change
| ['totp_reset_over_reset_password'] TOTP reset over reset Password
| ['totp_two_step_login'] Enables TOTP two step login
| ['totp_two_step_login_redirect'] Redirect path to TOTP Verification page used by control() & is_allowed()
| ['max_login_attempt'] Login attempts time interval (default 10 times in one hour)
| ['max_login_attempt_time_period'] Period of time for max login attempts (default "5 minutes")
| ['remove_successful_attempts'] Enables removing login attempt after successful login
| ['login_with_name'] Login Identificator, if TRUE username needed to login else email address.
| ['email'] Sender email address, used for remind_password, send_verification and reset_password
| ['name'] Sender name, used for remind_password, send_verification and reset_password
| ['email_config'] Array of Config for CI's Email Library
| ['verification'] User Verification, if TRUE sends a verification email on account creation.
| ['verification_link'] Link for verification without site_url or base_url
| ['reset_password_link'] Link for reset_password without site_url or base_url
| ['hash'] Name of selected hashing algorithm (e.g. "md5", "sha256", "haval160,4", etc..)
| Please, run hash_algos() for know your all supported algorithms
| ['use_password_hash'] Enables to use PHP's own password_hash() function with BCrypt, needs PHP5.5 or higher
| ['password_hash_algo'] password_hash algorithm (PASSWORD_DEFAULT, PASSWORD_BCRYPT)
| for details see
| ['password_hash_options'] password_hash options array
| for details see
| ['pm_encryption'] Enables PM Encryption, needs configured CI Encryption Class.
| for details see:
| ['pm_cleanup_max_age'] PM Cleanup max age (in relative format), PM's are older than max age get deleted with 'cleanup_pms()'
| Relative Format (e.g. '2 week', '1 month')
| for details see
$config_aauth = array();

$config_aauth["default"] = array(
'no_permission' => FALSE,

'admin_group' => 'admin',
'default_group' => 'default',
'public_group' => 'public',

'db_profile' => 'default',

'users' => 'aauth_users',
'groups' => 'aauth_groups',
'group_to_group' => 'aauth_group_to_group',
'user_to_group' => 'aauth_user_to_group',
'perms' => 'aauth_perms',
'perm_to_group' => 'aauth_perm_to_group',
'perm_to_user' => 'aauth_perm_to_user',
'pms' => 'aauth_pms',
'user_variables' => 'aauth_user_variables',
'login_attempts' => 'aauth_login_attempts',

'remember' => ' +3 days',

'max' => 13,
'min' => 5,

'additional_valid_chars' => array(),

'ddos_protection' => true,

'recaptcha_active' => false,
'recaptcha_login_attempts' => 4,
'recaptcha_siteKey' => '',
'recaptcha_secret' => '',

'totp_active' => false,
'totp_only_on_ip_change' => false,
'totp_reset_over_reset_password' => false,
'totp_two_step_login_active' => false,
'totp_two_step_login_redirect' => '/account/twofactor_verification/',

'max_login_attempt' => 10,
'max_login_attempt_time_period' => "5 minutes",
'remove_successful_attempts' => true,

'login_with_name' => false,

'email' => '',
'name' => 'Emre Akay',
'email_config' => false,

'verification' => false,
'verification_link' => '/account/verification/',
'reset_password_link' => '/account/reset_password/',

'hash' => 'sha256',
'use_password_hash' => false,
'password_hash_algo' => PASSWORD_DEFAULT,
'password_hash_options' => array(),

'pm_encryption' => false,
'pm_cleanup_max_age' => "3 months",
'carousel' => true,

$config['aauth'] = $config_aauth['default'];

/* End of file aauth.php */
/* Location: ./application/config/aauth.php */