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File: application/libraries/dompdf/lib/ttf2ufm/src/app/RPM/Makefile

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File: application/libraries/dompdf/lib/ttf2ufm/src/app/RPM/Makefile
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# This file should be configured before running `make'. # Uncomment or change the values that are relevant for your OS. # The preferred C compiler (by default use the OS-specific default value). # For BSD/OS, FreeBSD, Linux (all flavors), NetBSD, OpenBSD the default # compiler is GNU C. # (Note please the politically correct ordering by alphabet ! :-) # # Use GNU C even if it's not the default compiler # CC=gcc # # Use the standard ANSI C compiler on HP-UX even if it's not default # #CC=c89 # # The system-dependent flags for the C compiler # # Default CFLAGS_SYS= -O2 -D_GNU_SOURCE # For GNU C # CFLAGS_SYS= -O2 -D_GNU_SOURCE # # For GNU C with long options support library (Linux etc.) # CFLAGS_SYS= -O2 -D_GNU_SOURCE # # For GNU C on HP-UX/PA-RISC 1.1 # #CFLAGS_SYS= -O2 -Wa,-w # # For the standard ANSI C on HP-UX # #CFLAGS_SYS= +O2 -D_HPUX_SOURCE # # The system-dependent libraries # # Defalut (for the BSD-style OSes) LIBS_SYS= -lm # For SystemV (such as SCO, UnixWare, Solaris, but _NOT_ Linux or HP-UX) # #LIBS_SYS= -lm -lsocket # # The flags for C compiler for the FreeType-2 library (disabled by default). # This WON'T BUILD with FT2-beta8, use the FreeType release 2.0.4 # CFLAGS_FT= # To enable use of the FreeType-2 library # (if the include and lib directory do not match your installation, # modify them), also uncomment LIBS_FT # #CFLAGS_FT = -DUSE_FREETYPE -I/usr/include/freetype2 -I/usr/include # # The FreeType-2 library flags (disabled by default) LIBS_FT= # To enable use of the FreeType-2 library # (if the include and lib directory do not match your installation, # modify them), also uncomment CFLAGS_FT # #LIBS_FT= -L/usr/lib -lfreetype # # The flags for C compiler for the Autotrace library (disabled by default). # USE OF THIS FEATURE IS STRONGLY DISCOURAGED, THE BUILT-IN TRACING # (AKA VECTORIZATION) PROVIDES MUCH BETTER RESULTS. # The tested version is 0.29a (and the fonts produced with it are # absolutely not usable). # CFLAGS_AT= # To enable use of the Autotrace library # (if the include and lib directory do not match your installation, # modify them), also uncomment LIBS_AT # #CFLAGS_AT = -DUSE_AUTOTRACE -I/usr/local/include # # The Autotrace library flags (disabled by default) LIBS_AT= # To enable use of the Autotrace library # (if the include and lib directory do not match your installation, # modify them), also uncomment CFLAGS_AT # #LIBS_AT= -L/usr/local/lib -lautotrace # # Preference of front-ends if multiple parsers match a file # (by default the build-in front-end takes preference over FreeType) CFLAGS_PREF= # To prefer FreeType (if enabled): # #CFLAGS_PREF= -DPREFER_FREETYPE # Uncomment the second line to not compile t1asm into ttf2pt1 CFLAGS_EXTT1ASM= #CFLAGS_EXTT1ASM= -DEXTERNAL_T1ASM CFLAGS= $(CFLAGS_SYS) $(CFLAGS_FT) $(CFLAGS_AT) $(CFLAGS_PREF) LIBS= $(LIBS_SYS) $(LIBS_FT) $(LIBS_AT) # Installation-related stuff # # The base dir for installation and subdirs in it INSTDIR = /home/eclecticgeek/apps # for binaries BINDIR = $(INSTDIR)/bin # for binaries of little general interest LIBXDIR = $(INSTDIR)/libexec/ttf2pt1 # for scripts, maps/encodings etc. SHAREDIR = $(INSTDIR)/share/ttf2pt1 MANDIR = $(INSTDIR)/man # owner and group of installed files OWNER = eclecticgeek GROUP = pg1755828 # After you have configured the Makefile, comment out the following # definition: ##warning: docs ## @echo >&2 ## @echo " You have to configure the Makefile before running make!" >&2 ## @echo "(or if you are lazy and hope that it will work as is run \`make all')">&2 ## @echo >&2 # DOCS=CHANGES README FONTS FONTS.hpux encodings/README other/README \ app/X11/README app/netscape/README app/TeX/README SUBDIRS = app encodings maps scripts other TXTFILES = README* FONTS* CHANGES* COPYRIGHT MANS1=ttf2pt1.1 ttf2pt1_convert.1 ttf2pt1_x2gs.1 MANS=$(MANS1) $(MANS5) all: t1asm ttf2pt1 docs mans rpm docs: $(DOCS) mans: $(MANS) clean: rm -f t1asm ttf2pt1 *.o app/RPM/Makefile app/RPM/*.spec *.core core.* core ( cd other && make clean; ) ( cd app/netscape && make clean; ) veryclean: clean rm -f $(DOCS) $(MANS) rpm: app/RPM/Makefile app/RPM/ttf2pt1.spec ttf2pt1.1: README.html scripts/html2man . . <README.html ttf2pt1_convert.1 ttf2pt1_x2gs.1: FONTS.html scripts/html2man . . <FONTS.html app/RPM/Makefile: Makefile # sed 's/^CFLAGS_SYS.*=.*$$/CFLAGS_SYS= -O2 -D_GNU_SOURCE/;/warning:/,/^$$/s/^/#/' <Makefile >app/RPM/Makefile # app/RPM/ttf2pt1.spec: app/RPM/ttf2pt1.spec.src version.h sed 's/^Version:.*/Version: '`grep TTF2PT1_VERSION version.h| cut -d\" -f2`'/' <app/RPM/ttf2pt1.spec.src >$@ t1asm: t1asm.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o t1asm -DSTANDALONE t1asm.c $(LIBS) ttf2pt1.o: ttf2pt1.c ttf.h pt1.h global.h version.h $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c ttf2pt1.c pt1.o: pt1.c ttf.h pt1.h global.h $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c pt1.c ttf.o: ttf.c ttf.h pt1.h global.h $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c ttf.c ft.o: ft.c pt1.h global.h $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c ft.c bdf.o: bdf.c pt1.h global.h $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c bdf.c bitmap.o: bitmap.c pt1.h global.h $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c bitmap.c runt1asm.o: runt1asm.c global.h $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(CFLAGS_EXTT1ASM) -c runt1asm.c ttf2pt1: ttf2pt1.o pt1.o runt1asm.o ttf.o ft.o bdf.o bitmap.o $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o ttf2pt1 ttf2pt1.o pt1.o runt1asm.o ttf.o ft.o bdf.o bitmap.o $(LIBS) CHANGES: CHANGES.html scripts/unhtml <CHANGES.html >CHANGES README: README.html scripts/unhtml <README.html >README encodings/README: encodings/README.html scripts/unhtml <encodings/README.html >encodings/README other/README: other/README.html scripts/unhtml <other/README.html >other/README app/X11/README: app/X11/README.html scripts/unhtml <app/X11/README.html >app/X11/README app/netscape/README: app/netscape/README.html scripts/unhtml <app/netscape/README.html >app/netscape/README app/TeX/README: app/TeX/README.html scripts/unhtml <app/TeX/README.html >app/TeX/README FONTS: FONTS.html scripts/unhtml <FONTS.html >FONTS FONTS.hpux: FONTS.hpux.html scripts/unhtml <FONTS.hpux.html >FONTS.hpux install: all scripts/inst_dir $(BINDIR) $(OWNER) $(GROUP) 0755 scripts/inst_dir $(LIBXDIR) $(OWNER) $(GROUP) 0755 scripts/inst_dir $(SHAREDIR) $(OWNER) $(GROUP) 0755 scripts/inst_dir $(MANDIR)/man1 $(OWNER) $(GROUP) 0755 scripts/inst_dir $(MANDIR)/man5 $(OWNER) $(GROUP) 0755 cp -R $(TXTFILES) $(SUBDIRS) $(SHAREDIR) chown -R $(OWNER) $(SHAREDIR) chgrp -R $(GROUP) $(SHAREDIR) chmod -R go-w $(SHAREDIR) scripts/inst_file ttf2pt1 $(BINDIR)/ttf2pt1 $(OWNER) $(GROUP) 0755 [ -f $(BINDIR)/t1asm ] || scripts/inst_file t1asm $(LIBXDIR)/t1asm $(OWNER) $(GROUP) 0755 sed -e 's|^TTF2PT1_BINDIR=$$|TTF2PT1_BINDIR=$(BINDIR)|;' \ -e 's|^TTF2PT1_LIBXDIR=$$|TTF2PT1_LIBXDIR=$(LIBXDIR)|;' \ -e 's|^TTF2PT1_SHAREDIR=$$|TTF2PT1_SHAREDIR=$(SHAREDIR)|;' <scripts/convert >cvt.tmp scripts/inst_file cvt.tmp $(BINDIR)/ttf2pt1_convert $(OWNER) $(GROUP) 0755 scripts/inst_file cvt.tmp $(SHAREDIR)/scripts/convert $(OWNER) $(GROUP) 0755 rm cvt.tmp scripts/inst_file scripts/x2gs $(BINDIR)/ttf2pt1_x2gs $(OWNER) $(GROUP) 0755 for i in $(MANS1); do { \ sed -e 's|TTF2PT1_BINDIR|$(BINDIR)|;' \ -e 's|TTF2PT1_LIBXDIR|$(LIBXDIR)|;' \ -e 's|TTF2PT1_SHAREDIR|$(SHAREDIR)|;' <$$i >$(MANDIR)/man1/$$i \ && chown $(OWNER) $(MANDIR)/man1/$$i \ && chgrp $(GROUP) $(MANDIR)/man1/$$i \ && chmod 0644 $(MANDIR)/man1/$$i \ || exit 1; \ } done uninstall: rm -f $(BINDIR)/ttf2pt1 $(BINDIR)/ttf2pt1_convert $(BINDIR)/ttf2pt1_x2gs rm -rf $(LIBXDIR) rm -rf $(SHAREDIR) for i in $(MANS1); do { \ rm -f $(MANDIR)/man1/$$i $(MANDIR)/man1/$$i.gz; \ } done # targets for automatic generation of releases and snapshots snapshot: scripts/mkrel snapshot release: scripts/mkrel release