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File: application/libraries/dompdf/lib/ttf2ufm/src/other/bz.c

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File: application/libraries/dompdf/lib/ttf2ufm/src/other/bz.c
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Class: PHP Thesis Proposal Hub
Store and publish research thesis documents
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Date: 6 years ago
Size: 1,798 bytes



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/* * see COPYRIGHT */ #include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include "bzscreen.h" /* size of the screen in "physical pixels" */ #define PHYSX 980 #define PHYSY 310 /* the bounding box of the drawing in "logical pixels" */ /* the base point - set to 0, 0 for absolute coordinates */ #define BASEX 19 #define BASEY 122 /* the maximal point */ #define MAXX 450 #define MAXY 481 main(argc,argv) int argc; char **argv; { initscreen(PHYSX, PHYSY, PHYSX, PHYSY, 0, 0, BASEX, BASEY, MAXX, MAXY); /* drawcurve('#', 0,0, 51,0, 1,49, 45,98); drawcurve('1', 5,28, 8,37, 16,65, 45,98); drawcurve('3', 0,0, 0,24, 30,68, 80,72); drawcurve('1', 0,0, 0,5, 1,10, 2,15); drawcurve('2', 2,15, 8,42, 30,68, 80,72); drawcurve('4', 0,0, 0,37, 22,67, 80,72); */ /* final */ /* drawcurve('#', 324, 481, 390, 481, 448, 475, 448, 404 ); drawcurve('#', 448, 404, 448, 404, 448, 324, 448, 324 ); drawcurve('#', 448, 324, 402, 245, 19, 338, 19, 122 ); */ /* 3 */ /* */ drawcurve('*', 450, 404, 450, 397, 450, 390, 448, 384 ); drawcurve('*', 448, 384, 446, 378, 444, 370, 443, 360 ); drawcurve('.', 443, 360, 309, 356, 206, 341, 132, 304 ); drawcurve('.', 132, 304, 57, 266, 19, 208, 19, 122 ); /* 4 */ drawcurve('#', 324, 481, 390, 481, 450, 475, 450, 404 ); drawcurve('#', 450, 404, 450, 397, 450, 390, 448, 384 ); drawcurve('#', 448, 384, 402, 245, 19, 338, 19, 122 ); /* drawcurve('.', 324, 481, 361, 481, 391, 478, 414, 466 ); drawcurve('.', 414, 466, 436, 454, 450, 436, 450, 404 ); drawcurve('.', 450, 404, 450, 390, 447, 378, 443, 360 ); drawcurve('.', 443, 360, 309, 356, 206, 341, 132, 304 ); drawcurve('.', 132, 304, 57, 266, 19, 208, 19, 122 ); */ printscreen(stdout); } sumcurves(dx11, dy11, dx12, dy12, dx13, dy13, dx21, dy21, dx22, dy22, dx23, dy23) { }